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首页 维兰德 季: 3 2 1
瑞典原版维兰德 Wallander (SW) 全季集32+9
最後更新:2024-2-1 19:41
机器翻译 双语 简体英语 SRT
2296k 23 2024-2-1 19:37
總共發布過字幕 15 条
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1 S1E1 "Sidetracked" Swe电影版 04 2001 Sidetracked
2 S1E2 "Firewall" Swe电影版 08 2006 Firewall
3 S1E3 "One Step Behind" Swe电影版 07 2005 One Step Behind
4 S2E1 "Faceless Killers" Swe电影版 01 1994 Mordare utan ansi
5 S2E2 "The Man Who Smiled" Swe电影版 06 2003 The man who smiled
6 S2E3 "The Fifth Woman" Swe电影版 05 2002 The Fifth Woman
7 S3E1 "An Event in Autumn"
8 S3E2 "The Dogs of Riga" Swe电影版 02 1995 The Dogs of War
9 S3E3 "Before the Frost" Swe剧版 S1E01 Innan frosten (Before the Frost)
10 S4E1 "The White Lioness" Swe电影版 03 1996 The White Liones
11 S4E2 "A Lesson in Love"
12 S4E3 "The Troubled Man" Swe剧版 S3E01 The troubled man

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