Alex O’Connor是一位年轻的、充满理想主义的中情局分析师,专门负责研究俄罗斯情报。他是一位狂热的爱国者,对国家和家庭极度忠诚,但他做梦也没想到自己最亲密的家人竟然隐瞒了一个惊天大秘密。一旦真相暴露,这个家庭可能落得个分崩离析、满门抄斩的下场。Alex的父亲Mark(Scott Cohen,《难得坚强》)和母亲Katya(Hope Davis,《新闻编辑室》)都是潜藏在美国境内的俄罗斯间谍
NBC is yanking Allegiance from the schedule effective immediately. It is not an official cancellation but is as close as you can get to one without announcing it. There are no immediate plans for the eight unaired episodes of the Russian spy show.
On March 6, 2015, NBC canceled the series after five low rated episodes.According to Scott Cohen the eight unaired episodes will be released online.On March 12, 2015, NBC confirmed that the series would move online,and a new episode premiered in the U.S. via Hulu and